The Chairman reported that he had undertaken:

  • Met with the Clerk a number of times to discuss and help progress council matters.
  • Attended an Environment Committee meeting, in conjunction with other cllrs.
  • Attended an OCR Management Board meeting, in conjunction with other cllrs.
  • Attended a Finance Committee meeting, in conjunction with other cllrs.
  • Attended a Publicity Committee meeting, in conjunction with other cllrs.
  • Met with the Assistant Clerk to discuss and arrange the Xmas meal.
  • Attended the Xmas meal along with a number of fellow cllrs.
  • Along with the Clerk I attended a “One Voice Wales” conference celebrating Innovative Practice.
  • Met/spoke with cllrs who requested a conversation.
  • Along with the clerk & Cllr Silver I attended a meeting with Chris Gardner (Director of Webjects) concerning the potential for RMCC to outsource its website development.
  • Submitted the RMCC’s article for the next “Chain” (with significant input from the clerk).
  • With approval of the Planning Committee wrote a letter of opposition to the siting of a 5G mast at Ty Mynydd Close – this objection was successful.