The Chairman reported that he had undertaken:

  • Met with the Clerk a number of times to discuss and help progress council matters.
  • Attended an Environment Committee site meeting at Windsor Gardens looking at how the site might be enhanced, in conjunction with other councillors.
  • Attended a Finance Committee meeting in conjunction with other councillors.
  • Represented the Community Council at the Remembrance event, laying our wreath. (He thanked those Members who attended.)
  • By the time of our next meeting, I will have written and submitted our next “Radyr Chain” article.
  • Have met with County Councillor Peter Bradbury to discuss the potential for collaboration with CCC in re-establishing a Youth Centre.
  • Met with County Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones on a number of occasions to discuss local matters.
  • Met with the Assistant Clerk to discuss quick actions to enhance the OCR.
  • With the support of the Assistant Clerk, I have been busy making plans for our Xmas meal on December 22nd at Radyr Golf Club.