Details of our key governance documents can be viewed in this part of the site
Details of our key governance documents can be viewed in this part of the site.
Further policies will be added to this page. For a full list of our policies, please contact us at or see the reports to Annual Council of 2 May 2024 for further examples.
The method of voting at Council meetings is set out in the Council’s Standing Orders.
In 2024, it was observed that the Council does not meet all the criteria established by legislation to qualify as an eligible Council under the General Power of Competence.
On 4th May 2023 it was Resolved that the Council resolves itself to be an eligible Council under the General Power of Competence as it meets all the criteria set out in legislation. The outcome of this decision was published in accordance with statutory guidance.
Policies List
The Council has agreed a revised definition: A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about the council’s action or lack of action or about the standard of a service, whether the action taken or the service was provided by the council itself, a member acting on behalf of or could be perceived as acting on behalf of or a body acting on behalf of the council.